Listening Posts

 From 9 AM – 1 PM, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, you can meet with one or more of our experienced and knowledgeable Directors who listen to concerns, provide information, and offer suggestions on association operation.

Tips for a successful COA Listening Post:

1.       Call for an appointment!  We know it’s frustrating for you to wait to be helped by our board members.  Save time and make an appointment so you don’t have to wait and the board member has the opportunity to become familiar with your association.

2.       Bring a copy of your CC&Rs and Bylaws & Rules with you so solutions can be found that are in compliance with your documents.  We have a wealth of knowledge and experience plus expert assistance to tap in order to offer solutions in almost every area of association living. 

3.  If you are unable to come to the office, we can have a Director assist you on the phone or through e-mail.     

Call the COA office at 623-974-9035 to schedule your appointment.