Organized in 1973, the Sun City COA Inc. operates as a non-profit corporation under Arizona statutes.
Dedicated To Assisting & Educating Condo Associations and Their Boards of Management
About the COA Board
The COA is governed by a Board of Directors all of whom are volunteers. The Current Board includes: President Sue Clark, Vice President Russ Ruck, Treasurer Penny Walker, Secretary Betsy Rubin-Willis, and Director Sue Theodore. The only paid employees are the Office Staff. Our BoD has education and life experiences relative to the Arizona Condominium statues.
We are always interested in adding new Directors to our team. If you enjoy working with people and would like to share your knowledge about condo living, come to the COA Office, chat with our Directors and pick up an application. Training will be available…not to worry!!
The COA is operated and governed by its Board of Directors. Each Director provides approximately twenty (20) hours of service monthly working in the office and attending meetings. Board meetings are held monthly throughout the year. Directors are available on a rotating basis each week for individual guidance. Members are asked to call 623-974-9035 to schedule an appointment.
History of the COA
The COA was founded in 1973 by a volunteer group of chairmen of individual Associations with the purpose of providing guidance and assistance to the individual boards. There are 384 associations with 9,600 units and approximately 16,000 residents who live in these associations.
Currently most associations hold membership status in the COA.